our Mission

Offer our customers exceptional value by delivering a high-quality product, on time, and at a fair price

Provide a safe, challenging and cooperative work environment that encourages long term rewarding employment

Create and sustain a culture of personal and professional growth for our employees and embrace continuous improvement in all areas

Be recognized as a lead time and quality leader in our primary markets

Anticipate the needs of the industries we serve and push the envelope in technology, process and material ingenuity prior to being required by our customers

Develop strong customer relationships through regular honest communication always pursuing win/win solutions
Our Experience Matters
Since the inception of Maxcam twenty years ago we have accumulated invaluable experience, oftentimes through steep learning curves. We have developed processes and programming techniques with unique materials to help our customers accelerate their innovation.
By combining our experience with a no-boundaries attitude we offer to:
Manage from a quality-first process-focused mentality
Meet the speed of the need
Deliver uncommon value when difficult-to-machine materials and ambitious tolerances intersect with fast turnaround